Project Inquiry Form Δ
What service(s) are you interested in?
What does your business do?
What distinguishes you from your competitors?
What problem(s) do you want your website to solve for you and your business?
Once complete, how will you determine how successful this project and your website are?
What are 3 websites in your niche (or similar niche) which you think have done a great job with their website design?
Who's your target audience?
Will you be able to provide ALL the content for your website? (This includes: text, photos, and graphics)
For each of the following, tell me how important each item is to the success of your website... Getting found in search engine results
- Select - Critical Nice to Have Not Important
Selling products (physical or digital) online
- Select - Critical Nice to Have Not Important
Integration with an Email marketing platform
- Select - Critical Nice to Have Not Important
Building & growing an email list
- Select - Critical Nice to Have Not Important
Having a blog to publish content
- Select - Critical Nice to Have Not Important
Directory style listings of events or properties
- Select - Critical Nice to Have Not Important
Offering online booking/scheduling
- Select - Critical Nice to Have Not Important
Allowing users to login with special access
- Select - Critical Nice to Have Not Important
SEO and/or PPC Questions What's your business' full mailing address?
What purchasing considerations would your buyer have? (ie; price, quality, ease-of-use etc)
What specific geographic or demographic groups should we start with?
Who are your main competitors?
What do your customers say is the reason they chose to do business with you over your competitors?
What specific goal do you want to achieve through this campaign?
What are the key features of your products/services? What problem(s) do you solve?
Is there any seasonality to your business? If so, explain.
Who are the decision makers at your company that will evaluate the success of this campaign?
Would you like to discuss your campaign progress each month? If so, how often?
Do you have other marketing efforts in place? If so, what has been effective in those efforts?
How long is your sales cycle and how do you nurture leads?
Do you have an email list that you are marketing to? If so, how large?
Do you have Google Analytics installed and configured on your website?
- Select - Yes No Not sure
Do you have a Google Ads account set up and configured?
- Select - Yes No Not sure
What primary KPI are you most interested in focusing on?
- Select - Conversions Brand Awareness (impressions) Cost-per-click Cost-per-acquisition
If we can grow conversions by exceeding the max CPA, would you prefer to stay under the max CPA or grow conversions?
- Select - Stay under max CPA Grow conversiona I'm not sure
How do you describe your business to someone who is unfamiliar with it?
What specific goal do you want to achieve with your website?
List all of the products/services that you're interested in marketing through SEO, and provide a description of each.
How many website leads are you getting for those products/services right now?
What's the average customer lifetime value (CLV) and profit margins of those products/services?
Have you enlisted SEO services in the past? If so, please provide details.
Who are your top 3 online competitors?
Do you have a way to track offline actions and sales such as calls or in-store purchases?
- Select - Yes Yes, but not all actions No, need help setting this up Not applicable
Do you have call tracking systems in place? If so, can we get access?
- Select - Yes No Not sure
Other Details What budget have you allocated to solve those problems and achieve those goals for your website project?
- Select - $2,000 - $3,000 $3,000 - $5,000 $5,000 - $10,000 $10,000 - $15,000 $15,000 - $20,000 $20,000+
What is your monthly budget for SEO or PPC?
- Select - $500 - $1,000 $1,000 - $2,000 $2,000 - $5,000 $5,000 - $10,000 $10,000+
What is an acceptable timeframe for the launch of this project?
- Select - Urgent: within 6 weeks 1 - 2 months Up to 3 months Up to 6 months More than 6 months Not
Any other details or information that you would like us to know?
How did you hear about us?
- Select - Search Engine (Google, Bing) Social Media Facebook Ad Referral Other
Submit Project Discovery Form